The Palouse Hills
Isaiah 49:13

What We Believe

The beginning of truth starts with Jesus Christ who is the focus of all our worship. Jesus Christ is God from eternity past, was born of a virgin, walked among us in the flesh, and paid the full penalty for mankind's sin when He died on the cross of Calvary. He is the one and only God-man, Savior, Lord, and Judge of all mankind.

The GOOD NEWS is that any person who places their faith in Christ alone as personal Savior gains eternal life. Christ is the only hope of eternal life and heaven. Trust or faith in anything else such as religious rituals, spiritual heritage, physical lineage, moral character, any church laws, religious codes, prophets or religious persons, will not provide salvation or eternal life.

Grace Bible Church of Pullman is an independent, evangelical, Bible doctrine teaching local church committed to knowing God and serving Him. Our priority is to study the Word of God line by line, category by category, and its topics then apply it to our lives.

We are very glad that you have come to our website. If you are looking for a unique local church that emphasizes spiritual growth, fellowship with friendly likeminded believers, and service to Christ then we hope to meet you.

We seek to encourage each other in the faith and spread the grace gospel of Jesus Christ. We firmly believe that the Bible is God's inerrant word and it reveals God and His gracious gift of eternal life through the death of His Son. God has given believers wonderful blessings and His Word teaches them how to live the Christian way of life.

We believe in the freewill of man, the Sovereignty of God, a dispensational theology, and the pre-tribulation rapture. We are presently living under grace in the Church Age.

We seek to spread the message of Christ through missionary support and through day-to-day communication with others about Christ's offer of eternal life. We would be pleased to answer any questions you may have about the Christian faith or Grace Bible Church of Pullman.

Pastor-Teacher, Ron McMurray

Current Studies


October 6, 2024

Handouts for Sunday (PLEASE CHECK YOUR EMAIL)


L# 26 Daniel 4 Tree Dream and Sin of Pride

Or click on the link below to view this video

L# 26 Daniel 4 Tree Dream and Sin of Pride


L# 27 Daniel 4v24-30 Tree Dream Impact on Nebuchadnezzar

Or click on the link below to view this video

L# 27 Daniel 4v24-30 Tree Dream Impact on Nebuchadnezzar